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Предлагаю обсудить девчонок с которыми Рон  встречаеца или встречался когда-либо!



[реклама вместо картинки]



ээээээ...нинада нам таких))))))....не очень))) на троечку)))) tease::: ...блин...какая б девушка у Рона не была б ...для настоящих и преданных поклонниц она будет страшной))))...да-да-да....а для Роньки лучшей девушки чем Руни не найти))))))...у них такая Люповь...или Рууд ван Нистелрой))ой все молчу молчу...а ща у него кто-нить есть????....



ЗЫ:лучше б она и лицо тряпкой обматала))))))модель шоль))))???



по-моему щас кроме Рууда ни-ка-во нет! cute:::



[реклама вместо картинки]



прива=))))а я знаю кто его деву6ка....))жена=)))



так?[реклама вместо картинки]
или так?[реклама вместо картинки]



первая=)))а еще...девушки у него уродки....у него их ваще многа было?)) :angry:



первая=)))а еще...девушки у него уродки....у него их ваще многа было?)) :angry:

хе!!!у него спроси tease:::



ой,да реально,они такие страшненькие у него))))....в Португалии выбор навена не очень большой...или это все для отвода глаз fuck:::
да-да-да....как Рууд смотрит на Роню...оооох......и приобнял так нефна-нефна :lol: это люповь



ой,да реально,они такие страшненькие у него))))....в Португалии выбор навена не очень большой...или это все для отвода глаз fuck:::
да-да-да....как Рууд смотрит на Роню...оооох......и приобнял так нефна-нефна :lol: это люповь

адназначна лубофф!!! tease::: ХОТЯ
[реклама вместо картинки]
ГЫГЫГЫ tease:::  tease:::



Госпади.....разве после этого есть какие-то сомнения fuck::: ...он потерян для женщин)))) cry:::
ха-ха-ха..меня прям фота эта убила))))))



Госпади.....разве после этого есть какие-то сомнения fuck::: ...он потерян для женщин)))) cry:::
ха-ха-ха..меня прям фота эта убила))))))

У Руни исчо лицо такое!!!! tease:::



о Боже.....ужас....)))что ж ты так пугаешь нас?))))



ФИГАСЕ!!!!!ПОЧИТАЙТЕ!Depois da notícia que apontava Cristiano Ronaldo como novo namorado de Isabel figueira (notícia que não é tão absurda como à partida se pensou) agora foi a vez Afonso Vilela ter sido visto com a modelo da Elite Portugal. Mas desta vez não há romance! O modelo da Central Models vai ser, juntamente com Isabel, o novo rosto de uma empresa de mobiliário. Os dois estiveram juntos na semana passada, em Guimarães, para gravar a campanha da marca. Em breve vamos ver a imagem dos dois manequins juntos espalhada por todo pais.

MODEL AND FOOTBALL PLAYER: the perfect love potion


They are young, free, and sexsymbols. They are united by the passion to the fashion and the way they try to make success in Britain.
Now that they're dating, Isabel Figueira and Cristiano Ronaldo become, overall, an explosive fusion that fans like and that's happening frequently: model and football player. A couple that can be the next Victoria and David Beckham.

Six months were enough for Isabel Figueira - that confessed she wanted to be alone for some time - to find a substitue of her ex, airplane comissair (?). And everything points that Cristiano Ronaldo is the cause of it.
Our 20 years old star of Manchester is the fresh air on the love curriculum of Isabel. Curious is that besides the secret passion, the couple are connected by other love: the fashion. The recent bet as a model of Pepe Jeans was talked a lot because of the photos that putted Beckham aside. The portuguese is already considered the new sexsymbol of the Queen lands. Even more curious is that Isabel revealed to some friends that her new "special friend" is Aquarium (Cristiano Ronaldo was born at February 5), is younger (Ronaldo is 20 years old), and lives in England (Ronaldo lives in Manchester).

Isabel Figueira couldn't resist to the fields pretty boy. As it seems, everything started on her trips to London - two of them at least she talked about on the papers, and some more that she made usually, from a secure source - that started in the end of the last year with the purpose of getting new fashion jobs. Till now the professional matters between countries aren't that much. Although the love appeared once again. Not regarding what she said before "I am loving to be alone", secure sources of Isabel confessed that in the last times she was worried for not having a boyfriend and that she already tried to get love on a public person, recently divorced, but already compromissed again. Isabel didn't gave up and after passing the bad moments because of the end of the relationship with Pedro Alberto, she decided to get on Ronaldo's arms



Cristiano sighed in loud, angry frustration. That was the fifth time he missed a header. It had been three years since he had been signed on to Manchester United, but at the moment he was in Athens, training for the Olympics. Cristiano spoke perfect English, perhaps due to the fact that he had lived the majority of his life in the United States. Though Cristiano had, until recently, lived in America, he was born in Portugal and therefore a Portuguese citizen. Since he was playing for Manchester United he lived in England, but he had always been extremely proud of being Portuguese and spoke fluent Portuguese. In the Olympics, he was representing Portugal. At the moment he was currently training in Athens with the rest of the squad. The Portuguese coach, John Flores, held a training session every other day. It was a few weeks before the games actually began, but Cristiano was enjoying his time in Athens. Maybe it was the absence of screaming girls. Ever since Cristiano had signed with Manchester Unt. he had been bombarded with female fans. His father had warned him of this, but Cristiano had never really paid any heed to his warnings. Every few days another exaggerated article surfaced about Cristiano in the tabloids. Usually the article was about his love life. At first Cristiano ignored the media, but he learned fast there was no easy way to deal with fame. Within a few months of living in Manchester Cristiano had started dating young model Jenna Cartney, who was a year younger than him. The relationship seemed promising, until Jenna kissed him in front of tons of reporters. The next day it was all over the papers. Cristiano had told Jenna off, but Jenna had apologized so profusely that Cristiano blocked the incident from his mind. But then Cristiano was hit with a bombshell when Jenna staged a dramatic break-up that conveniently took place at one of Manchester United's biggest press conferences. That's when it hit him. Jenna didn't really care about him. She wasn't really in love with him, as she had claimed. All she wanted was fame and money. Heartbroken and bitter, Cristiano vowed that he would never again be fooled by pretty girls. But that had been over five months ago and though Cristiano hadn't had a girlfriend since, his career was blossoming. He was also on wonderful terms with his half-brother J.J. They had really gotten to know one another over the past three years. J.J. and his band had recently gotten a record deal and he was somewhere in Los Angeles recording their debut album. Cristiano had been in Athens for close to two weeks and the games hadn't even begun yet. In fact it would still be another week before the games, or at least the football games, began. But John Flores was the type of coach who believed practice made perfect. During each training session, they focused on a different area of football. Today they were focusing on headers. Cristiano was normally pretty good at headers, but not today. He hadn't scored a single goal. Even though it was just a scrimmage and he was playing against his teammates, Cristiano was still peeved that he had missed all his header shots. "What's up with you?" Paul DaCosta asked when they got to the locker rooms. Paul was one of his best friends and one of his teammates on the Portuguese national team. "Nothing. I just wasn't focused today, that's all." Cristiano said, shrugging. "Are you sure that has nothing to do with last night's clubbing?" Paul asked with a teasing grin plastered on his face. "You know perfectly well I did not go clubbing last night!" Cristiano said, smacking him upside the head jokingly. "Ouch!" Paul said, rubbing his head. "So what are you going to do tomorrow? We haven't got any training sessions." Paul asked. "Rest. What else would I do?" Cristiano said. Paul rolled his eyes. "You haven't been the same ever since you broke up with Jenna. Are you sure you're okay?" Paul asked. "Give it a rest Paul. I'm fine!" Cristiano said, annoyance lacing his words. Paul shrugged. "Whatever you say." Paul said, patting him on the back. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us tomorrow? We're checking out all of Greece's hot spots." Paul said. "Nah, I'd rather just rest. Thanks for the offer though." Cristiano said, turning his back to Paul in a gesture that Paul understood to mean the subject was closed. The next day dawned bright and early and though Cristiano had intended to sleep in, he found that difficult due to the racket his teammates were making outside his door. But even after his teammates left and the hotel corridor was silent, he still found it difficult to fall asleep again, so he decided to head to the training field to practice those header shots he had had so much trouble with the other day. In England he would have to walk outside with a baseball cap and sunglasses to not be recognized, but in Athens he was free to simply wander with minimal risk of being recognized or mobbed. The training field was empty, which was something of a relief because Cristiano hated to be watched while he was training. Feeling much better than he had yesterday, Cristiano pulled out all his fancy footwork, or "tricks" as the British liked to call it. Feeling very much relaxed; Cristiano had no trouble with his headers and even perfected some of his previously sloppy crosses. Three hours passed with Cristiano simply practicing his "tricks". Just when Cristiano was about to hit the locker rooms, he heard clapping. He spun around and came face-to-face with a gorgeous girl. She was shorter than him, but not short by female standards. She had emerald green eyes and chestnut-colored hair that fell just past her shoulders. For a few moments Cristiano just stared. Finally he managed to find his voice. "Who are you?" he asked stupidly, mentally kicking himself for how rude he sounded. "I'm Lysandra Nathalie Furtado. And  you?" she asked in accented English. Cristiano suddenly realized several things at once. Firstly, that the girl in front of him was probably Portuguese. Secondly, she didn't seem to recognize him as the Cristiano Ronaldo. "I'm J.J. Madden, nice to meet you." Cristiano said, blurting out the first name that popped into his head, which happened to be his half-brother's name. "You play very well J.J." Lysandra said, shooting him a smile. "You remind me of Cristiano Ronaldo, you know that Portuguese boy who plays football for Manchester United? You look like him too." Lysandra said. "Never heard of him." Cristiano said nervously. "Oh do look just like him though...anyway I'm here to see the Olympics with a few friends from Portugal. I'm Portuguese by the way." Lysandra added. "Are you?" Cristiano asked, playing dumb. "Yes I am but I speak English well because in Portugal English is taught as a second language." Lysandra said. "Where are you from?" Lysandra asked. "Oh I'm Irish." Cristiano said quickly, using his half-brother's identity once again. "Yeah I'm Irish but I live in the States. I'm here to see the Olympics as well." Cristiano said. "That's great, maybe we can explore Athens together then? My friends would love to meet you." Lysandra said, smiling. "That'd be fun. Maybe we could hang out later tonight?" Cristiano asked. "Sure. How about we meet back here around six?" Lysandra asked. "Great, I'll see you then." Cristiano said, smiling. "Goodbye J.J., see you soon!" Lysandra called, waving as she walked away. That's when it hit him. He wasn't going out with Lysandra as himself. He was going out with her as J.J.! Cristiano knew it would have been easier to just say he was Cristiano Ronaldo, but on the other hand he didn't want to risk her liking him because of his fame and money. He didn't want to go through what he had with Jenna ever again. So for tonight he was going to be J.J. Madden, the non-footballer.
"You're going out on a date?" J.J. asked, the disbelief visible in his voice. "Yeah. Is that such a big surprise?" Cristiano asked, clutching the phone to his ear as he sorted through his clothes, trying to find something decent to wear. "You haven't been on a date in how long?" J.J. asked jokingly. "I know, I know that's what Paul said. But you have to see this girl. She's gorgeous. And she's Portuguese." Cristiano said. "Seems like a good catch." J.J. said from the other line. "She is...there's just a teeny little problem..." Cristiano said hesitantly. "What'd you do this time?" J.J. asked, sighing. "I sort of told her my name was J.J. Madden...and that I was Irish..." Cristiano said, trailing off. "You what?" J.J. said, the anger evident in his voice. "Hey look I'm sorry I didn't mean just popped out of my mouth." Cristiano said. "You big oaf! You know the whole family's coming to Athens next week for the games! Why'd you tell her you were I? Couldn't you say your name was Joe or something?" J.J. said miserably. "I'm really sorry man..." Cristiano said. "Well it's your problem...but you better have it sorted out by the time I get there." J.J. said warningly. "I know, I know. Hey I have to go I'll call you later ok?" Cristiano said, switching off the phone. An hour later, Cristiano was waiting around by the training arena for Lysandra and her friends. "Hey J.J.! Over here!" came Lysandra's voice from somewhere behind him. Cristiano spun around to see Lysandra standing behind him with a brown-haired girl and a black-haired boy. "This is Roger Mourinha and Catia Soares." Lysandra said, gesturing to her friends. "Roger, Catia, this is J.J." Lysandra said. Cristiano noticed immediately that Roger was holding a football in his right hand. "Oh you're right Lysandra, he does look just like Cristiano Ronaldo!" Catia said in Portuguese to Lysandra, thinking Cristiano wouldn't understand. "Maybe, but can he play like him?" Roger said, sneering. Cristiano was about to say something in Portuguese, but quickly realized that while he was J.J., the non-footballer, he didn't speak or understand Portuguese, so he quickly clamped his mouth shut and tried to appear nonchalant. "Are we going to play football?" he asked casually, nodding towards the football in Roger's hands. "Yeah we are. You know how to play?" Roger asked. "Of course." Cristiano said, biting back a laugh. "Good. Let's play then." Roger said, throwing the ball down on the pitch. If there was one thing Cristiano was, it was competitive. His natural instinct was to tear after the ball with the speed of a ramming bull, but he wasn't stupid. He knew that if he played exactly like he normally did, it would make it obvious that he wasn't who he said he was. So whenever the ball went near him, he lamely kicked it away. "I thought you said he was good!" Roger cried to Lysandra in Portuguese, laughing as Cristiano missed yet another goal. Cristiano couldn't help it...the next time he got the ball, he made an excellent goal with the back of his left foot. Roger looked dumbfounded and Lysandra clapped. "I told you he was good!" she cried in Portuguese. The rest of the game passed quickly, with Cristiano scoring a measly five goals, just to spite Roger. After the game, Roger was more open and overall, friendlier. Catia was bubbly and happy and talked about a mile a minute. Cristiano automatically liked them both. It had been such a long time since he had been able to just talk and joke with a group of friends. At the end of the night, Cristiano pulled Lysandra aside. "I had a great time with you and your friends Lysandra." Cristiano said earnestly. "I had a wonderful time as well." Lysandra said, smiling. "Maybe I could see you again tomorrow night? Just you?" Cristiano said, crossing his fingers hopefully. "Sure. When?" Lysandra asked. "How about tomorrow night around six?" Cristiano said. "Same place?" Lysandra asked, smiling wryly. "Yeah. Is that okay with you?" Cristiano asked. "Yes it is. It's a date then?" Lysandra asked. "Yeah, it's a date. See you then." Cristiano said, floating on air as he walked away.

The next day passed quickly for Cristiano. Training sped by and sooner than expected, Cristiano was back at the training field, waiting for Lysandra. Lysandra looked gorgeous in jeans and a red-and-green tank top that Cristiano knew represented the Portuguese flag. Cristiano took her to a local Greek restaurant that supposedly had the "best food", according to Paul. Lysandra seemed to think so and Cristiano had to agree, though he barely ate anything, nervous as he was. The night ended in a flurry and with yet another date scheduled for the very next day! The week passed much like this, but then came the day his family was scheduled to arrive. It was the day before Portugal's match against Paraguay and Lynn, Ben, J.J., Maeve, Kiera, Deryck, and Nikki Pinner, J.J.'s girlfriend, were due to fly in from California. His father was also flying in from Portugal. Luckily Cristiano had had enough sense not to schedule a date with Lysandra that night. Thankfully, by two in the afternoon Greek time, his entire family had arrived. They were all staying at the same hotel so Cristiano could keep an eye on them in case Lysandra decided to drop by. "So where's this Lysandra chick you keep going on about?" J.J. asked, after he unpacked his stuff. "She's staying at this hotel a few blocks away." Cristiano said. "So you have you told her yet?" J.J. asked. ", not really." Cristiano said sheepishly. J.J. sighed. "Sometimes you can be a real twat!" J.J. said, thumping him on the head. "Look the game's tomorrow...I'll tell her then." Cristiano said firmly. "What? During the game? Are you going to yell out 'I'm Cristiano Ronaldo, not J.J.!' or something?" "Don't be silly, of course not. I'll tell her after the game." Cristiano said. "Yeah whatever you say." J.J. said, patting his shoulder. "Whatever you say..."



а если по-русски че туту написано?не хачу врубаться=)))вкратце че здесь?))))



[реклама вместо картинки]
[реклама вместо картинки] БЯК!!!






Ань,забей!скорей фсиво эт фанфик



блин...так много я не осилю букв,ток начало прочла...но суть понятна...а девушка кста симпотная на первой фоте)))а вот на фторой не очь cute:::



2 MagiKa
первая даже мне понравилась cute::: а вот дальше........бе!



Про Фигейру - стааринный слух. Я о нем писала на сайте еще..хм...мож где-то полгода назад. Фигня это.
2 Lover of Cristiano Ronaldo спасибо, золотце, что форум оживляешь ! так держать!
2 4у4а=))) новенькая? Добро пожаловать!!!!!



2 u, португалец=) пасип=))))
  ну вот на первой фоте она ниче...а так......да ну)))))его жена лучше=))))))) :P ну эт мне так больше нравица=))))) B)
пи эс     любовница тож ниче=)))))))



а хто его жена? :))



2 португалеця!чиста па приколу))случайно набрела на какой-та сцайт хде типа виртуально женят...ну и вышла замуж  dance:::



Lover of Cristiano Ronaldo
странное дело..ведь я тоже самое сделала. Почти год назад...выходит, у него несколько жен :blink:



девочки...)))не ссорьтесь)))))я любовница=)))))))))))



ой а что за сайт?????...я б тож за кого-нить замуж б вышла...дайте ссылку))))


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